Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ranbats 1.5 - FREVO results + top 8/playoffs info

Ranbat 1.5 - 19 participants
1 Ryan "FilipinoChamp" Ramirez - 8 pts
2 Neng "Kaizer" Her - 7 pts
3 Jerry "thejerrbear" Phantamany - 6 pts
4 Mike "Ghostmaker" Chow - 5 pts
5 Andrew "domezy" Vongphachanh - 3 pts
5 Julian "J-Jeezy"Hernandez - 3 pts
7 Jon "jonnydonuts" Liwanag - 1 pt
7 Andrew "petey_piranha" Garcia - 1 pt
9 Michael Junio
9 Michael Chang
9 Anthony Mun
9 Mike Reyes
13 Ray Magana
13 Meng Xiong
13 Jordan Valdez
13 Terrence Kendricks
17 Jeff Aphayvong
17 Mike Malbonado
17 Bobby Somtakoune

Thanks to FilipinoChamp for showing up and giving Fresno some Dhalsim experience. Thanks to drugs and alcohol the night before for making me play like utter shit at this tournament. With this last ranbat, the top 8 have been decided for the ranbat playoffs. The top 8 players are:

Kaizer - 38 pts
Hoonyo - 27 pts
Ghostmaker - 17 pts
domezy - 14 pts
thejerrbear - 9 pts
FilipinoChamp - 8 pts
Cynistar - 7 pts
J-Jeezy - 7 pts

These eight players will play in a round-robin style playoff using best of 3 rounds, best of 3 matches with a tentative date of Saturday, August 1. Participants will also pay a fee of $7 (5 is added to the $104 pot, 2 for the venue). This fee is subject to change. Payout will be 70/20/10, and tiebreaker will be additional matches between the tied parties (e.g., if two players finish 6-1, they will play an additional best of 3 matches between them).

That's all the info for now. Any changes or clarifications between now and the playoff will be posted. Thanks to everyone who participated in this ranbat season and stay tuned for season two!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it! The one ranbat I don't go to there is a Sim player? I WANNA SHOOT MYSELF IN THE FACE! =(
