Monday, April 27, 2009

Point System

I thought I'd take the time during class to post about the point system. People who place in the Top 8 of each ranbat will earn points as follows:
  • 1st - 8 points
  • 2nd - 7 points
  • 3rd - 6 points
  • 4th - 5 points
  • 5th/6th - 3 points
  • 7th/8th - 1 point
What's the purpose of obtaining these points? Well, there is an end-of-season side pot that's up for grabs, but it doesn't go to the person with the most points. Instead, the top 8 in ranking will play in one last tournament (date TBD) where the winner takes all. The points will help seed the participants so #1 in points will play #8, #2 will play #7, #3 will play #6, and #4 will play #5.

I haven't decided on any tie-breakers if people end up with the same amount of points (quite likely) so stay tuned for that. If anyone has any ideas for tie-breakers, feel free to discuss it!

That's all for now.


  1. If there are no ties that extend past top 8. Run the top 8 tourney; if there are say, three ties, and one of them is out of top 8, run a round robin.

  2. TomSelleksStash wants in son! Perhaps we can create a Junio dynasty!
